Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Reflections of AED 200

1. What were you expectations for this course and where they met?
My first expectations of this course was to just basically learn about art. I feel as if this course did MUCH more than just teach me about art. I learned things that I would never have thought of if I didn't take this course. 
2. Now that you've been through this course, What is art? How would you define it now compared to your intial posting?
Art is a lifestyle. I feel as if art is something that is cherished, and appreciated. My initial posting had no idea what art was because I have never taken an art course. Now, I understand that art is a way of living and learning to appreciate art. 
3. Who was your favorite artist in your original posting and who is your favorite visual artist now? If there is a difference, why do you think so? If you have the same favorite artist, why do you think so?
 My favorite artist in my original post was Michelangelo. My new favorite artist is Leonid Afremov. I didn't really know much about art in the beginning of this course so I just picked a well known artist. Once I explored different types of art, I learned that I loved Leonid Afremov's style and artworks. I even have one of his pieces as my background on my phone! 
4. Now that you've completed this course, how do you feel about taking an online course? Is your answer the same as it was in your first posting? How is it the same or different?
After this course, I have learned that I love online courses. I love the style and the freedom to be able to do work at my own pace with a Saturday/Sunday deadline. It makes the workload of all my other courses so much easier on me. I think my answer is the same as my first post, I have always excelled in online work and this course was just another step in the right direction. 

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