Saturday, March 12, 2016

Module 7: Video Discussion

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Prairie Style: 
First modern family house
Everything natural in and around the structure
Windows were a big thing in prairie houses
Ceilings tend to be lower in these styles
Didn't like to cover these houses, but wanted some privacy by using shrubs 
People would often incorporate Wright's ideas in their own architecture 
Architecture: The Science of Design 
When there is no space in busy cities, architects build up 
Metal structures are binded together to help secure walls, ceilings, and floors
Strict international regulations are used
Larger based and/or trees are planted around the base for high risers
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The videos relate to the text because it is all about architecture.The text talks about certain types of architectures that can be used and different materials that can be used. Plus, the Prairie video involved Frank Lloyd Wright in it, and there is a whole section just on him in the textbook. The videos showed examples of houses and buildings and walked us through each house/building. The textbook only gives pictures, but the videos went into more depth.    
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?
I thought the films were interesting because I never knew so much went into it. The way architecture is basically art fascinates me. It is cool how building a building or house is basically their form of art and way of expression. Yes, there are regulations to it, but it is still the architecture's design. They add to my understanding of architecture by giving me more examples of different ways it is used. Things such as arches and steel frames were spoken about in each the text and the videos. Plus, the way the videos talked about how it influenced the environment and they surroundings around the home or building helped me grasp the way others view architecture. 
4. Why did you choose the films that you watched?
They were the first two videos in the list so I just picked those. After I picked those videos, I went and looked at the others. These videos happened to be the shortest videos as well, which was a plus. I would rather watch the two 23 minute long videos rather than two 50 minute long videos. 

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