1. Which assignment did you ENJOY working on the best? Why?
I enjoyed working on project 4 the best. Yes, it was extremely time consuming, but once I found a good theme and website to work with, the ideas just started flowing. I used pop art as my theme which I thought of on my own after trying many different themes that were just too hard for me to find images for, and I loved it. I used all different types of pop art and I just thought my project overall was fun. The images, backgrounds, everything. It was fun to do and I loved it.
2. Which assignment did you ENJOY working on the least? Why?
I least enjoyed doing the video assignments. They were usually always boring, and long. I hated wasting time on doing the videos and waited until the last minute to do them because that is how much I did not like them.
3. How did you like using BLACKBOARD?
Blackboard was an easy access website so I would like to always use blackboard for my courses.
4. What is your opinion of the Discussion Groups in this course?
The discussion groups were a way to get to know my peers in the course and they were easy points.
5. Did you participate in any of the extra credit projects in previous modules? If so, what was your opinion of them? (mandala, elgin marbles, culture, art critics)
I did not participate in extra credit modules (but I totally should have).
6. If you had the opportunity to change this course:
What would you keep? Keep the discussions and museum visits.
What would you remove? Remove the video assignments or use shorter to-the-point videos.
What would you add? I would not add anything, I think this course was very well put together.
7. Would you recommend this course to your peers?
Yes, I already have a few friends that are going to take it next semester because of the reviews I told them. It was well worth my time and effort as I told them.
8. Please list any other comments you would like to share.
Because of this course, I have signed up for two online courses next semester and I couldn't be more excited!